There is worldwide excitement about the possibility that we can have everything we want by focusing on our thoughts. But, can we manifest everything we want? Are we solely responsible for everything that happens to us? Is it that simple? Can a genie grant our wishes or are there times in our lives when the only thing we can control is how we respond to a challenge life brings us?
This experiential presentation/workshop will look at how the power of positive thinking sometimes can be difficult without a deeper awareness of the complexities of our humanness and the law of opposites, the power of the unconscious, the invisible language of energy and the mystery of spirit. We will explore some of the transformational tools of psychospiritual introspective work that can help facilitate this new chapter in the evolution of human kind, bringing us a more peaceful perspective of our reality. “Look not from the mind, but from the soul.” (J. Redfield)
This was a great workshop, genuine, from the heart. Your speaking style, humor, passion and the affinity I felt with the group as a whole in such a short time - I could have gone on all day and night! What I most liked was getting to meet you after seeing your name "out there" for so many years! Sue L., NH
Great workshop, nice flow, very safe and welcoming. I wish we could've gone longer! I thought it would be focused more on the principle ideas in The Secret - But I'm glad we didn't (very glad)! N.S., ME
Nice flow, balanced, not forced, unpressured and both grounded and grounding. L.T., NH