The Secret and the Mystery of Spirit 
Can a genie and good thought bring us all we desire?

There is worldwide excitement about the possibility that we can have everything we want by focusing on our thoughts. But, can we manifest everything we want? Are we solely responsible for everything that happens to us? Is it that simple? Can a genie grant our wishes or are there times in our lives when the only thing we can control is how we respond to a challenge life brings us?

This experiential presentation/workshop will look at how the power of positive thinking sometimes can be difficult without a deeper awareness of the complexities of our humanness and the law of opposites, the power of the unconscious, the invisible language of energy and the mystery of spirit. We will explore some of the transformational tools of psychospiritual introspective work that can help facilitate this new chapter in the evolution of human kind, bringing us a more peaceful perspective of our reality. “Look not from the mind, but from the soul.” (J. Redfield)

This was a great workshop, genuine, from the heart. Your speaking style, humor, passion and the affinity I felt with the group as a whole in such a short time - I could have gone on all day and night! What I most liked was getting to meet you after seeing your name "out there" for so many years!                             Sue L., NH

Great workshop, nice flow, very safe and welcoming. I wish we could've gone longer! I thought it would be focused more on the principle ideas in The Secret - But I'm glad we didn't (very glad)!                      N.S., ME

Nice flow, balanced, not forced, unpressured and both grounded and grounding.                               L.T., NH

Insights for Living  
(based on The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield)

  Energy - Deepening the connection to a source of unconditional love, participants are given an opportunity                       to experience and explore their lives in a new way.

  Childhood - Gaining new perspectives exploring the evolution of our childhood, rather than the dysfunction.

   Exploring Synchronicity - Why certain things “just happen” in our lives - such as why you’re reading this                                                  right now.
  Control Dramas within our relationships - Why we may have power struggles with other people in our lives                                                                        and how that can be transformed                                                                         .
Insights for Living exceeded my expectations. The level of participation and interaction was great!  Sally's warmth and caring were obvious and her accepting attitude was so welcoming. It created a very safe place where everyone could let down their guard. Thank you.                                                                      S.K., NH

I was feeling lost before this workshop. Life is now a big adventure with a gem in every encounter. All kinds of miracles everyday. You and the book helped me to turn the crystal enough to understand my thought on the energy that drives the universe. It changed my life forever.                                                          E.W., Hawaii

Insights for Living is a fun filled adventure of experience which leads to self empowerment. A spiritual journey with practical results to use in your every day life. These experiences change your LIFE . . ." 
            Patty B., MA    
Changing Perspectives Instead of Partners (couple series) / The We in Me (workshop for individuals) 

Our intimate relationships can sometimes shift from a source of delight to a drain of frustration, and so often the temptation is just to change partners. The problem with this solution is that 50% of the partnership goes with us and history often just repeats itself. Instead, relationships may be thought of as unique, spiritual opportunities that help us create wholeness within ourselves. They often reveal how we reflect (or project) our unique view of the world onto others and how sometimes another’s view of us may be distorted. Gaining an understanding of gender differences and personality types increases an appreciation of others and can deepen our self-knowledge. Exploring the demands that are put on relationships is also vitally important. When we are able to tap into an abundant supply of loving energy, our relationships and our lives transform. Although none of us can change another person, all of us can change our relationships and it is a principle of physics that when one element in a relationship changes, so does the other. 

Changing Perspectives - When I stopped fighting for control and surrendered, my life unwound and took a new shape and direction. I've finally developed an honest relationship with everyone in my life, not just with my partner.                                                                                                                                         Liane W.,  NH

The Invisible Language of Energy  
Exploring the Web of connection.

Most of us understand the idea of energy related to food intake and exercise, but there’s another that radiates around us. You may have noticed it when someone is standing too close to you. You sense they are in your "space". We may find that some people drain us and others lift our spirits. Understanding what we, or others, might unknowingly be communicating to other people offers us an opportunity to bring a new kind of integrity into our communications. We also have “gut” feelings and intuitive inspirations. Using a mediation on nature's beauty and personal reflection offers an experience of how energy fields affect our sense of inner peace and can often bring a whisper of inner wisdom in the silence. Becoming aware of this silent language in our lives can make a profound difference. 

This is one of my favorite workshops to facilitate. So often participants "plan" what they will focus on during the meditation and find something within leading to another place - perfect for them.                              Sbe                    
The Totally Unwound Weekend 

Our lives are so hectic we may often find ourselves feeling more like human doings instead of human beings. This is an opportunity to gain an understanding of where your energy goes and ways to replenish it. Take this mini vacation and find your own unique connection to a limitless supply of relaxation and inner peace. And learn new techniques to take it with you.

I don’t remember ever feeling that relaxed in my life. It was as tho’ I had been on a full weeks vacation. I just floated home, and it stayed with me.                                                                                              Gary L., MA

Wedding Wisdom Series - Happier Ever After

Wisdom is gathering relationship tools to sustain a loving partnership during those moments when it may be challenged by the stresses of life. Happier Ever After is an 8 hour series (done in 4-two hour sessions) that deepens self knowledge while creating a more compassionate awareness of your partner by: gaining an understanding of your unique personality types and gender differences; exploring the possibility that relationships are opportunities for us to become more whole; revealing how we reflect (or project) our unique view of the world onto others; understanding inherent gender differences; accepting it is a fact that we need love as much as we need air and realizing that if we look to our partners as our lifeline we may become as irrational as a drowning person and by deepening our unique connection to a source of loving energy, we insure living happier ever after.

Our wedding was a one of a kind event that people are still talking about years later. Sally’s approach was very spiritualistic and self reflecting. We will cherish those first steps of our life together for a long time to come. I wish everyone would invest in those 8 hours. It was a great experience and very rewarding.                                                                                                                                                           Mike & Donna H, NH

We feel that the time we spent doing the Wedding Wisdom Series helped us through the challenges as we faced our wedding which was an exciting time, but could also be stressful as well. We were inspired to be open and remember how safe and nurtured we felt. The long term effects on our relationship have been significant. We are finding our rhythms with each other and also within ourselves.                         M & J, NH                                                                                                                                                  
Voice Dialogue 

We act one way with our friends, another with our boss, and another with our partner. Voice Dialogue is based on the theory that over time we become a collection of many Selves that wrap around our innocence. This is not to be confused with multiple personality disorder, where the ego is not aware other Selves exist. It is the creation of personalities we develop in order to survive in the world. If you've ever said, "Part of me feels this way, but part of me doesn't,” you've had a sense of this. By energetically experiencing each Self, independent of the others, you can have a natural conversation, or dialogue, with these inner voices. You might think of it as similar to being in a crowded room where everyone has been talking at once and then deciding to be quiet and allow each voice to take a turn. In this unique technique you actually experience a difference in the feelings, desires, concerns and energy of each self. With the help of a neutral aware ego, you gain a new awareness and understanding of your inner world and become able to make more conscious creative choices. It brings a new balance to life. 

Sally is the most gifted therapist I have ever worked with. In a few minutes, using incredibly self-revealing skills, like Voice Dialogue, she can get right to the center of what is blocking your life.              Rev V.K., CT.                                                                                                                                                                        
Voice Dialogue with Video

Another dimension of Voice Dialogue is video taping the various Selves. Who has not listened to a tape recording of their voice and said, "That's me?" or seen a picture and said, "That doesn't look like me at all." After working in Voice Dialogue, identifying and becoming comfortable with various Selves, a video "interview" allows the client to experience the powerful impact of visually seeing their Selves as an objective observer.

The video of my voice dialogue session gave me such an objective insight into how I respond in my relationship interactions. It helped me to literally see and understand parts of my self so much better, and without judgement. I definitely saw myself from an aware ego. I still go back and watch the video now, years later.                                                                                                                                                 Gilly E., AZ

Dream Reentry 

There are no “bad” dreams, but some increase the intensity to make us pay attention. Often clients look at a dream literally, use a dream dictionary or allow others to interpret their dream for them. Through a process of Jungian dream reentry the client meditationally revisits the dream and has an opportunity to access and experience a deep understanding of their unique symbology and meaning.

I had a recurring nightmare that I had always thought was 'bad' until I did a dream reentry. The message I      "experienced" was nothing I ever would have imagined. And it wasn't bad.                                Melissa P., ME

Visual Intercession  

Experience has shown that the client, through this meditational “journey,” encounters unique and powerful personal communication from a source deep within their spirit.

What I found so incredibly useful with visual intercession was it tangibly helped me work through my process.                                                                                                                             R.L., Portsmouth, NH

Creative Communication  

Letter-based counseling allows for better understanding as it gives the client the opportunity to express themselves using their vernacular in a new way. It can often open locked doors. Creative Communication includes love letters to write when you're angry,  "bequeathing" letters, unique albums for special occasions, wedding vows, expressions of sorrow . . . anytime you know what you want to say, just not quite how to say it.

For years I had been having the same circular argument with my parents, even as an adult. I never felt they really listened to me. I presented my "creative" letter to them during a visit and everything changed. For the first time I felt they heard me. Amazing.                                                                                             R. R., MA
Deepening the Circle  

(based on The Tenth Insight and The Secret of Shambhala by James Redfield

Continuing with the intrigue of The Celestine Prophecy, James Redfield's, The Tenth Insight and The Secret of Shambhala.explores past lives, dreams, prayers, life after this one, more insight into the history of our lives and our unique purpose. How we can help the world evolve toward a more peaceful place by transforming our energy toward those we see as our adversaries. We can make a difference.

At first I wondered if I could commit to 13 weeks. Now I wish it lasted longer. I've noticed more and more coincidences and energy exchanges. I feel hopeful and expectant.                                            Darlene H., NH
The Time of  Your Life

How much time do you spend on yourself? Does your “to do” list include your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being? Taking time to explore how your time flies and ways to be a better caretaker of your inner self are essential to a more peaceful life in our hectic times.

 How Do We Answer 9-11?

How do we balance accountability and compassion? How to we transform our fear and rage into "the peace that passeth all understanding, without doing a "spiritual bypass?" Is it possible to fight and defend and also try and comprehend the "how" of it all? 

Memories and Visions - Preparing for the New Millennium

Reflecting on the past, envisioning the future. The universe has no beginning and it will have no end. The time scale is staggering. The Himalayas are made of solid granite. If once every thousand years a bird flies over them, brushing the range with its wings, by the time this process has worn down the Himalayas, one day of a cosmic cycle will have elapsed.

Perennial Philosophy and The Great Chain of Being

Leading transpersonal theorist, Ken Wilbur,  speaks about Perennial Philosophy being a kind of foundation of truths about being human and connected to a divine source, agreed upon by most of the “worlds’ greatest spiritual teachers, philosophers, even scientists . . . in virtually all cultures across the globe and across the ages. . . You might ask yourself, ‘How can it be possible, given the diversities in cultures and language?” This can be a hard concept for us to grasp because we live in a a paradigm that “hardly agrees on anything.”Understanding the surface structures around us and the deeper ones within help us understand our evolution from body to mind to soul to spirit. 

I've never ”let it all go” and totally relaxed the way I have in Inward Bound workshops.             Dulcie J., NH

My participation was probably the most I have ever shared with a group of people. Sally’s freedom with words put me at ease. The atmosphere was very good and felt safe. I especially liked the way she encouraged me to talk.                                                                                                                                                Greg M., NH                                                                                                                                                              
Private Sessions
(Taking very limited private clients at this time.)

Hours are by appointment. 
Some evenings available.
rate is $75 pr session (sessions run appx. 75 minutes)
Special financing is available.
Any private sessions not attended without a 24-hour notice are charged the full rate.

( No workshops are scheduled at this time.)

Presented as both weekend intensives and weekly series.
Costs vary* Please inquire or check calendar.

Wedding Wisdom Series and Changing Perspectives Instead of Partners 
A free 1/2 hr consult.            
A total of 8 hours - (generally 4-two hour sessions or by arrangement)

Wedding Service Creation and/or Officiating are possible, by arrangement.

All workshops require preregistration. 

email me
The Whisper of Spirit - Living Synchronistically

“We aren’t human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings have a human experience.” Sychronistically (meaningful coincidence) is possibly the most amazing, mysterious piece of spiritual energetic connection. Learning to use this as a compass for life can shift how you experience your journey in profound and amazing ways.

Recognizing and acting upon the synchronicisites that come my way, I've learned to follow the compass of my intuition and it has taken me places I didn't know I wanted to go. What's even more amazing is they also lead me to my life's purpose.                                                                                                                         J.S., KY

Conversations with God: the Myth and the Mystical Revelation

Do you have conversations with God? Can you tell the difference between those from a higher source and others in your head? What can you discover about life and your conversations with God? 

The Road Less Traveled - Exploring Our Maps

The first sentence in this book by Scott Peck is, “Life is difficult”. It is a profound truth, simply put and somehow not the perspective of our Disney “happily ever after” doctrine. I believe Peck captures some truths about our condition. How do we re-spond to life’s challenges or do re-act? Through safe sharing and group support we will explore and, perhaps, learn new perspectives on love and evil, reality and courage, religion and grace and the maps of our lives.